Lesson 2 – Bluetooth LE Advertising


Advertisements are a key aspect of any Bluetooth LE connection. It is important to gain a foundational understanding of the different advertisement parameters, what they mean, and how to tune them to achieve your application goals, whether that is low power consumption, reliability, or quick device discovery.

Advertisement in Bluetooth LE is used for two main purposes. To broadcast data to neighboring devices or to advertise its presence for another device to connect to it. In this lesson, we start by examining the advertisement process. Then we will learn about the different advertisement types, and how advertisement packets are structured. In this course, only legacy advertising is covered.

In the exercise section of this lesson, we will first learn how to configure a device as a broadcaster, to broadcast advertisement packets which your smartphone will scan. Then we will learn how to dynamically configure the contents of the advertisement packets. And lastly, we will look at connectable advertising, and how to manually configure the Bluetooth LE address of the peripheral.


  • Understand the basics of the legacy advertisement process and the different advertising parameters involved (advertising interval, TX power, channels, and PHY used).
  • Learn about advertising types (connectable vs non-connectable, scannable vs non-scannable, etc. ).
  • Examine Bluetooth LE address types (public, random, static, resolvable, etc.).
  • Learn how to use nRF Connect SDK API to configure all aspects of Bluetooth LE advertising.
  • Learn how to include data in Bluetooth LE advertising and UUIDs.
  • Practice through hands-on exercises creating Bluetooth LE beacons.
  • Practice through hands-on exercises configuring the advertising packet of a Peripheral device during the device discovery phase.
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