In this exercise, we will learn how to create a working “Hello World” application in the nRF Connect SDK from scratch. We are only doing this for educational purposes to expose you to all the elements of an nRF Connect SDK application.
Keep in mind that this is not the recommended way to create an application. As we explained in lesson 1, the recommended way is by using one of the samples that you can find in the SDK as a baseline.
1. In the exercise folder for this lesson, create a folder and name it l3_e1
2. Open this folder and create the files needed for a minimum working application.
(this means create a subdirectory called src
and then create the empty file main.c
)3. Open CMakeLists.txt
and add the minimum functions needed for the application to build (use any editor).
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0)
target_sources(app PRIVATE src/main.c)
ensures the build fails if the CMake version is too old.find_package
pulls in the Zephyr build systems, which creates a CMake target named app
sets the name of the project.target_sources
adds the source file to the project.
4. In main.c
, include the header file for Zephyr Kernel and the printk
module like this:
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>
C5. In main.c
, define the main function to continuously print the statement “Hello World!” and then sleep for a small amount of time (to avoid flooding the console).
int main(void)
while (1) {
printk("Hello World!\n");
is left empty because the console drivers needed by printk()
are enabled by default by the board configuration file. This is covered in-depth in Lesson 4.
6. Let’s add this as an existing application in nRF Connect for VS Code.
Go to nRF Connect for VS Code and under the Welcome View, select Open an existing application and select the directory fund_less3_exer1
. Observe the project showing up under the Applications View.
7. Just like in Lesson 1, select Add Build Configuration by hovering your mouse over the project name in the Applications View and selecting the icon that appears. Choose the correct board, then select Build Configuration.
8. Flash the application to your board.
9. To view the output of the application, you need to configure a terminal emulator on your machine. You can work in any terminal emulator you want.
Step 9.1 describes how to view the output using the built-in terminal emulator in the nRF Connect extension in VS Code, while step 9.2 describes how to view the output using PuTTY. You can choose either one.
9.1 To use the terminal emulator in VS code, first go to the “Connected Devices” tab and open the drop list.
Then open the drop list for that connected device.
Then click the “Connect To Serial Port In nRF Terminal” icon as shown below.
Nordic development kits come with an interface MCU that serves as a debugger for the development kit. The interface MCU provides additional features such as UART-to-USB conversion and one or more virtual COM ports, depending on your board (VCOM0/COMX, VCOM1/COMX, etc..). These different VCOM ports are intended for specific use cases. For example, one port might be used for TrustedFirmware-M, and another for the application. If you connect to a VCOM port and don’t see the expected output, try selecting the other VCOM port and pressing the reset button on your development kit to get the logs from the beginning.
Then choose the serial terminal which has the following configuration:
As shown below:
You should be able to observe the output as shown below
9.2 To use PuTTY, you can download it from here. PuTTY does not require any installation, it is a single executable that you just need to download.
Be aware that the process of installing PuTTY on macOS requires installing Xcode and other tools that are out of the scope of this course. For a simpler alternative, use the built-in Terminal in nRF Connect for VS Code.
There are two important parameters when using the UART console:
Note the COM number assigned to your board. In the screenshot above, it’s COM4, but this value is likely to be different on your host machine.
10. Open PuTTY, and follow the steps below:
11. Reset your board, and you should be able to observe the output, “Hello World!” printed every second. Depending on which terminal you are using, your output will look like one of the two below images.
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.8.0-preview1-11645184a54d ***
*** Using Zephyr OS v3.7.99-adcffa835a8e ***
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
TerminalThe solution for this exercise can be found in the GitHub repository, l3/l3_e1_sol
of whichever version directory you are using.