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Creating board files

v2.8.x – v2.7.0

In this topic, we will explore the different options to create custom board files and the guidelines for naming your custom board.

We will also cover the mandatory files required to define a custom board in HWMv2, optional files, and revision files used if you create revisions for your board. We will study these files one by one and understand their role.

In Exercise 1 of Lesson 3, we will use the Create a new board GUI in the nRF Connect for VS Code extension to populate most of the mandatory files’ content.


The Create new board GUI in the latest version of nRF Connect for the VS Code extension uses a west extension command called ncs-genboard. If you are confident with CLI, you could use it directly.

Naming your custom board

When naming your custom board, there are some conventions that you need to follow.

  • You need to give your board a unique name. Run west boards in the nRF Connect Terminal for a list of names that have already been taken; you can’t name your custom board with a name that is already in use.
  • In HWMv2, it’s no longer needed to include the name of the SoC at the end of the board name. Instead, the SoC(s) name(s) are specified explicitly in the board.yml file

Note that the Create a new board GUI in nRF Connect for VS Code extension will ask you to provide a human-readable name for your board. The Human-readable name(Also known as full_name) could include whitespaces or capital letters. (Ex: My nRF54L DK , DevAcademyL3E1), and it will automatically generate your board ID (Ex: my_nrf54l_dk , devacademyl3e1) that can be used by west build command or by the Add Build Configration GUI.

HWMv2 – Board terminology

In Hardware Model version 2, each board will have a board name. The board name (Board ID) used in the build system is usually the human-readable name, formatted in all lowercase letters and using underscores (_) to replace all whitespaces. Each board must have one SoC at a minimum.

In addition to the board name and SoC. A board could have an optional board revision and board qualifiers. Now let’s take a look at the board terminology used in HWMv2. We will take a look at the BL5340 DVK from Ezurio which is based on the nRF5340 SoC.

Board Target: The full string that can be provided to any of the Zephyr build tools(E.g. west) to compile and link an image for a particular hardware system. A key point to understand is that boards with single-core SoCs typically have one board target, while more advanced boards with multiple SoCs or multi-core SoCs may have several board targets.

Board qualifiers: The set of additional tokens, separated by a forward slash / that follows the board name (and optionally board revision).

Variant: In the context of board qualifiers, a variant designates a particular type or configuration of a build for a combination of SoC and CPU clusters. Common uses of the variant concept include introducing both secure and non-secure builds for platforms with TrustedFirmware-M support, or selecting the type of RAM used in a build. Another use of variants is for different builds of hardware(not a revision). For example, if you have a board that includes sensors and another exact one that does not include sensors.

Board revision: This is used to capture new changes in new versions of the hardware(New schematics, new PCB).

For example, a board with a human-readable name “DevAcademyL3E1” will have a board name (board ID) of devacademyl3e1 . Let’s assume the kit is based on the nRF52833 SoC . The board will have the board target devacademyl3e1/nrf52833 . The board could have an optional revision that can be specified as [email protected]/nrf52833 and it could have an optional variant [email protected]/nrf52833/sense . The CPU cluster(s) is defined by the SoC layer as we will see later. The nRF52833 SoC does not include any clusters.

Where to define your custom board

There are three options for where to store custom board files with varying advantages and disadvantages:

  • Upstream in Zephyr. You usually select this path if you are developing a development kit, a module, a reference design, or a prototyping platform and want to make your board definition public and available to the community. Using this path may also apply if you design an open-source product. Remember that you must provide documentation for your board, and Zephyr maintainers will need to review and approve your board files Pull Request.
  • In a dedicated directory (out-of-tree board): Your board files will reside in a directory that is out-of-tree of nRF Connect SDK/ Zephyr. We will pass the custom board directory location to the build system. This method is recommended if you are developing a closed-source product and want to control access to the board files. This is the method that we will cover in this lesson.
  • In a boards folder in your application directory. Suitable for prototyping/debugging.

Board files

As we mentioned before, we will use the nRF Connect for VS Code to create the template files for a new development kit called “DevAcademyL3E1” which is based on the nRF52833 SoC. The board name generated by the extension is devacademyl3e1 . The extension will also populate the “vendor” of the SoC. As we will see in Exercise 1.

When creating a custom board definition, remember that the hardware layers files from Architecture until SoC are provided by the SDK itself. We only need to populate the board layer. The board layer consists of these four mandatory files.

├── board.yml
├── Kconfig.devacademyl3e1
├── devacademyl3e1.dts
└── devacademyl3e1-pinctrl.dtsi 

Below is a board layer consisting of all mandatory files, optional and special use cases files:

├── board.yml
├── Kconfig.devacademyl3e1
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>.dts 
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>-pinctrl.dtsi
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_defconfig
├── Kconfig.defconfig
├── board.cmake # Used for flash and debug
├── CMakeLists.txt  # Needed in special cases 
├── c_files.c  # Needed in special cases
├── doc # Optional 
│   ├── devacademyl3e1.png
│   └── index.rst
├── Kconfig # Optional to create a board Kconfig options menu
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>.yml # Optional for Test Runner (Twister)
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_<revision>.conf # Needed to support hardware revisions
├── devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_<revision>.overlay  #Needed to support hardware revisions
└── dts # Optional 
    └── bindings

The term devacademyl3e1 serves as a placeholder for the board name, and <vednor> is a placeholder for the vendor name. If the board has qualifiers, such as multiple SoCs, CPU clusters, or variants (i.e., multi board target), these qualifiers must be appended to the board name to clearly indicate where you want these files to apply.

Now, we will cover these files one by one.

The mandatory files are:

1. board.yaml: This is a new file introduced in HWMv2 . It’s mandatory, so each board folder needs to have one board.yaml file.

  • It defines the board(s) name.
  • Must select at least one SoC.
  • Revisions are optional.
  • Variants are special use cases. 
  • The CPU clusters are inherited from the SoC selected and should not be described here.
  • You could define multiple boards in one folder and with one board.yaml, but it’s not a common use case.

The extension automatically generates this file when you provide the tool with your board name, SoC, SoC variant, and vendor, and you typically don’t need to change anything inside it.


You could also include full_name: in board.yml to specify the human-readable name of your board.

Here are some examples of board.yml for some Nordic development kits:

So for a single board target like the nrf52840 dongle, which is based on the nrf52840 SoC, a single-core device with no CPU clusters.

For the nRF54L15, there are two cpuclusters defined by the SoC layer, cpuapp and cpuflpr, and you can see that the board.yml defines a new variant called xip which is associated with the cpuflpr cpucluster. It also defined another variant called ns (TF-M Enabled) with the cpuapp cpucluster. So in total, you have 4 board targets.

For the nRF9161 DK, there are no cpuclusters defined for the nRF9161 SiP , there is a variant called ns that is associated with the nrf9161 SoC. It also defines two revisions 0.9.0 (default) and 0.7.0.

2. Kconfig.devacademyl3e1: This file has a fixed-defined task: selecting the specific SoC(s) used by a board. Hence, it pulls in lower layers of SW support (SoC, Family, Series, CPU, Arch). It also defines a Kconfig symbol for the board that is a normalized name of the board name ( with capital letters, and whitespace converted to underscore _ ) prefixed with BOARD_ .

  • It contains select statement(s) 
    • Only select is needed for a single board target
    • select … if statements for multi-cores SoC or multi-SoC board

Here are some examples:

Below is an example of our devacademyl3e1 (single board target) that we will develop in Exercise 1, which is based on the nRF52833 QIAA.

	select SOC_NRF52833_QIAA

Here is another example for the nRF54L15 DK (quad board target). The file selects the appropriate SoC support layer based on the normalized board target triggered from the build system.

3. devacademyl3e1.dts : The hardware description in devicetree format that represents the schematics of your board. We call this file board-level devicetree file. It Includes connectors and any other hardware components such as LEDs, buttons, sensors, or communication peripherals (USB, BLE controller, etc). Memory partitioning is also done in this file. We will rely heavily on the automation provided by nRF Connect for VSCode extension, including the DeviceTree visual editor, to help us populate this file. Keep in mind that if your board has multiple board qualifiers, you need to create a board-level device tree file for each board target. Also, it’s worth mentioning that you can structure the board-level device tree file into multiple files to improve readability and maintainability.

4. devacademyl3e1-pinctrl.dtsi : This file defines the pin-mapping of your board’s peripherals. Keep in mind that if your board has multiple board qualifiers, you need to create a pin-mapping file for each. We will learn how to populate this file in Exercise 1.

The optional files are:

devacademyl3e1_defconfig : This file is a Kconfig fragment merged as-is into the final build of any application built for the specified board.

Default devacademyl3e1_defconfig generated by the tool (Differs from one SoC to another).

# Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


In addition to the default Kconfig symbols, we need to include any Kconfig symbols that we want to be enabled for any application built on our board.

In the case of the devacademyl3e1 , since it’s a development kit, we want to add UART, RTT and GPIO support. Therefore, we will append the following :

# Enable RTT

# enable GPIO

# enable uart driver

# enable console


<boardname>_defconfig is a Kconfig fragment merged as-is into the final build of any application built for the specified board, and must enable the bare minimum. It’s the application configuration’s (prj.conf) responsibility to configure what is needed.

Keep in mind that if your board has multiple board qualifiers, you need to specify the qualifiers in the name of the file devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_defconfig to take effect when a certain qualifier is passed to the build system.

Kconfig.defconfig : Board-specific default values for Kconfig options. The content of this file is placed inside if /endif pair. This file is generated by the tool. Let’s see the example of our devacademyl3e1 , which has a single board target devacademyl3e1/nrf52833.


config BT_CTLR
	default BT


We can see we have the BT_CTLR which is to enable support for SoC native Bluetooth LE controller implementation, and it is enabled only if the CONFIG_BT is selected by the application.

You could have multiple if/endif pairs for the different normalized board targets (if the board has multiple board targets). Let’s take the example of Kconfig.defconfig of the nRF54L15 DK.

Now, let’s look at the remanding of optional files.

  • board.cmake: used for Flash and debug support, if the board has Flash or Debug support.
  • CMakeLists.txt: If you need to add source files to be executed Pre or Post kernel. This is in case your hardware uses some muxes or needs to be configured in a particular way. Customization can be added here, as done for the case of the nRF52840 Dongle where the board_nrf52840dongle_nrf52840_init() is executed at PRE_KERNEL_1 before the kernel. Note that the extension does not create the CMakeLists.txt file; we can manually create it ourselves if needed.
  • doc/index.rst, doc/devacademyl3e1.png: You only need documentation and a picture of your board if you’re Contributing your board to Zephyr.
  • Kconfig : Give you the flexibility of creating a board menu.
  • devacademyl3e1.yml: a YML file with miscellaneous metadata used by the Test Runner (Twister). If your board has multiple qualifiers, you need to have a .yml for each.

Board revisions

In case you are creating new hardware revisions for your board, In other words, when you decide to modify your schematics and make a new PCB, you don’t have to create a new board definition, all you need to do is to add the modifications inside the board folder by adding the following files: devacademyl3e1_<revision>.conf , devacademyl3e1_<revision>.overlay and update board.yml . Keep in mind that if your board has multiple board qualifiers, you need to specify the .conf and .overlay files to the affected qualifiers: devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_<revision>.conf , devacademyl3e1_<qualifiers>_<revision>.overlay.

  • The optional Kconfig settings specified in the file devacademyl3e1_<revision>.conf will be merged into the board’s default Kconfig configuration.
  • The optional devicetree overlay devacademyl3e1_<revision>.overlay will be overlayed to the board-level devacademyl3e1.dts devicetree file.
  • The board.yml file through the revision: key controls how the Zephyr build system matches the <board_name>@<revision> string specified by the user when building an application for the board for either the west build CLI or the nRF Connect for VS Code extension. An example development kit that uses the board revisions is the nRF9160 DK.


When creating a new custom board, it is always a good idea to start looking into the SDK-defined boards with the same SoC/SIP as your custom board for inspiration. There is a long list of Development Kits, Prototyping Platforms, and Reference designs already shipped in the SDK that can serve as a good starting point.

They are available in two locations <install_path>/zephyr/boards/nordic/ and <install_path>/nrf/boards/nordic/

See the Zephyr Board Porting Guide.

v2.6.2 – v2.5.2


This exercise tab is for nRF Connect SDK v2.6.2 -v2.5.2, where Hardware model v1 (HWMv1) is used. HWMv1 is deprecated and will be removed in nRF Connect SDK v3.0.0. Use HWMv2 for all new designs (Tab v2.8.x-v2-7.0)

In this topic, we will explore the different options to create custom board files and the guidelines for naming your custom board. You can watch the video below or go through the lesson’s text.

We will also cover the mandatory files required to define a custom board, optional files, and revision files used if you create revisions for your board. We will study these files one by one and understand the role of each.

In the exercises of Lesson 3, we will use the Create a new board GUI in nRF Connect for VS Code extension to help us populate most of the content of the mandatory files.

Naming your custom board

When naming your custom board, there are some conventions that you need to follow.

  • You need to give your board a unique name. Run west boards in the nRF Connect Terminal for a list of names that have already been taken; you can’t name your custom board with a name that is already in use.
  • It’s recommended that your board name include the name of the SoC at the end. For instance, suppose we want to make a new board called DevAcademy, which is based on the nRF52833 SoC. It’s highly recommended that you call your board “DevAcademy nRF52833”.

Note that the Create a new board GUI in nRF Connect for VS Code extension will ask you to provide a human-readable name for your board (Ex: DevAcademy nRF52833), and it will automatically generate your board ID (devacademy_nrf52833) that can be used by west build command or by the Add Build Configration GUI.

Where to define your custom board

There are three options for where to store custom board files with varying advantages and disadvantages:

  • Upstream in Zephyr. You usually select this path if you are developing a development kit, a module, a reference design, or a prototyping platform and want to make your board definition public and available to the public. Using this path may also apply if you design an open-source product. Remember that you must provide documentation for your board, and Zephyr maintainers will need to review and approve your board files Pull Request.
  • In a dedicated directory (out-of-tree board): Your board files will reside in a directory that is out-of-tree of nRF Connect SDK/ Zephyr. We will pass the custom board directory location to the build system. This method is recommended if you are developing a closed-source product and want to control access to the board files. This is the method that we will cover in this lesson.
  • In a boards folder in your application directory. Suitable for prototyping/debugging

Board files

As we mentioned before, we will use the nRF Connect for VS Code to create the template files for a new development kit called “DevAcademy nRF52833” which is based on the nRF52833 SoC. The board ID generated by the extension is devacademy_nrf52833. The extension will also automatically populate the architecture “ARCH” used by the SoC. As we will see in Exercise 1

When creating a custom board definition, remember that the hardware layers files from Architecture until SoC are provided by the SDK itself. We only need to populate the board layer. The board layer consists of these five mandatory files.

├── Kconfig.board
├── Kconfig.defconfig
├── devacademy_nrf52833_defconfig
├── devacademy_nrf52833.dts
└── devacademy_nrf52833-pinctrl.dtsi 

Below is a board layer consisting of all mandatory files, optional and special use cases files:

├── Kconfig.board 
├── Kconfig.defconfig 
├── devacademy_nrf52833_defconfig
├── devacademy_nrf52833.dts 
├── devacademy_nrf52833-pinctrl.dtsi
├── board.cmake # Used for flash and debug
├── CMakeLists.txt  # Needed in special cases 
├── c_files.c  # Needed in special cases
├── doc # Optional 
│   ├── devacademy_nrf52833.png
│   └── index.rst
├── Kconfig # Optional to create a board Kconfig options menu
├── devacademy_nrf52833.yaml # Optional for Test Runner (Twister)
├── devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.conf     # Needed to support multiple hardware revisions
├── devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.overlay  # Needed to support multiple hardware revisions
└── revision.cmake # Needed to support multiple hardware revisions
└── dts # Optional 
    └── bindings

The devacademy_nrf52833 will be your board’s name, of course. We are using this name just as a placeholder.

Now, we will cover these files one by one.

The mandatory files are:

  1. Kconfig.board: The extension automatically generates this file, and we typically don’t need to change anything inside it. What it does is that it makes a Kconfig Symbol for your board BOARD_DEVACADEMY_NRF52833 and it specifies a dependency to the SoC hardware support layer (through the depends on Keyword).
# Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

	bool "DevAcademy nRF52833"
	depends on SOC_NRF52833_QIAA

2. Kconfig.defconfig: Board-specific default values for Kconfig options. The extension automatically generates this file, and we typically don’t need to change anything inside it.

The file is placed inside an if BOARD_DEVACADEMY_NRF52833 / endif pair of lines, as shown below. When the developer passes the selected target board through either west (CLI) or using nRF Connect for VS Code Build Configration window (GUI), the BOARD_DEVACADEMY_NRF52833 will be set and the Kconfig BOARD symbol will be set through the project. The other option we find in that file is BT_CTLR which is to enable support for SoC native Bluetooth LE controller implementation, and it is enabled only if the CONFIG_BT is selected by the application. This is added here due to the fact that the nRF52833 is widely used for Bluetooth LE applications.

# Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


config BOARD
	default "devacademy_nrf52833"

config BT_CTLR
   default BT

  1. devacademy_nrf52833_defconfig: This file is the Kconfig fragment merged as-is into the final build of any application built for the specified board. The default Kconfig symbols that are generated by the extension are:
    • Series hardware support, in the case of the nRF52833 SoC is CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF52X , which will enable the CPU and architecture support.
    • SoC hardware support, CONFIG_SOC_NRF52833_QIAA
    • Board hardware support
    • Also if the hardware support MPU, it will be added here

Default devacademy_nrf52833_defconfig generated by the tool.

# Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


# Enable MPU

# Enable hardware stack protection

What we need to add in this file in addition to the default Kconfig symbols are any Kconfig symbols that we want to be enabled for any application build for our board.

In the case of the DevAcademy nRF52833 we want to add UART, RTT and GPIO support. Therefore, we will append the following :

# Enable RTT

# enable GPIO

# enable uart driver

# enable console

# additional board options



<BoardID>_defconfig is a Kconfig fragment merged as-is into the final build of any application built for the specified board, and must enable the bare minimum. It’s the application configuration’s (prj.conf) responsibility to configure what is needed.

  1. devacademy_nrf52833.dts: The hardware description in devicetree format that represents the schematics of your board. We call this file board-level devicetree file. It Includes connectors and any other hardware components such as LEDs, buttons, sensors, or communication peripherals (USB, BLE controller, etc). Flash partitioning is also done in this file. We will rely heavily on the automation provided by nRF Connect for VSCode extension, including the DeviceTree visual editor, to help us populate this file.
  2. devacademy_nrf52833-pinctrl.dtsi : This file defines the pin-mapping of your board’s peripherals. Note that the extension does not create this file; we must create it ourselves. We will learn how to populate this file in Exercise 1

The optional files are:

  • board.cmake: used for Flash and debug support, if the board has Flash or Debug support.
  • CMakeLists.txt: If you need to add source files to be executed Pre or Post kernel. This is in case your hardware uses some muxes or needs to be configured in a particular way. Customization can be added here, as done for the case of the nRF52840 Dongle where the board_nrf52840dongle_nrf52840_init() is executed at PRE_KERNEL_1 before the kernel. Note that the extension does not create the CMakeLists.txt file; we can manually create it ourselves if needed.
  • doc/index.rst, doc/devacademy_nrf52833.png: documentation for and a picture of your board. You only need this if you’re Contributing your board to Zephyr.
  • Kconfig : Give us the flexibility of creating a board menu
  • devacademy_nrf52833.yaml: a YAML file with miscellaneous metadata used by the Test Runner (Twister).

Board revisions

In case you will be creating new hardware revisions for your board. In other words, when you decide to modify your schematics and make a new PCB, you don’t have to create a new board definition, all you need to do is to add the modifications inside the board folder by adding the following files: devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.conf , devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.overlay and revision.cmake

  • The optional Kconfig settings specified in the file devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.conf will be merged into the board’s default Kconfig configuration.
  • The optional devicetree overlay devacademy_nrf52833_<revision>.overlay will be added to the common devacademy_nrf52833.dts devicetree file
  • The revision.cmake file controls how the Zephyr build system matches the <board>@<revision> string specified by the user when building an application for the board for either the west build CLI or the nRF Connect for VS Code extension. An example development kit that uses the board revisions is the nRF9160 DK.


When creating a new custom board, it is always a good idea to start looking into the SDK-defined boards with the same SoC/SIP as your custom board for inspiration. There is a long list of Development Kits, Prototyping Platforms, and Reference designs already shipped in the SDK that can serve as a good starting point.

They are available in two locations <install_path>/zephyr/boards/arm/ and <install_path>/nrf/boards/arm/

See the Zephyr Board Porting Guide.

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