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Lesson 2 – Connecting to Wi-Fi


In this lesson, we will closely examine how the nRF70 Series devices connect to Wi-Fi. We will start by introducing a crucial element for the operation of nRF70 devices, which is the Network Management API. We will see how it enables the application to handle various network events and how to respond to them. In addition, we will also study the different ways you can provision your nRF70 Series device to a Wi-Fi network, including static provisioning, provisioning over Wi-Fi shell, provisioning over Bluetooth LE, and different options for storing the provisioned Wi-Fi credentials on the device.

In the exercise section of this lesson, we will practice how to enable various event-driven callbacks to handle network connectivity events, as well as practice how to provision your nRF70 Series device to a Wi-Fi network through the previously mentioned methods.


  • Examine how a host MCU interacts with Nordic’s Wi-Fi companion chip.
  • Learn to use the Network Management API and necessary APIs available in the nRF Connect SDK.
  • Practice through hands-on exercises how to establish a Wi-Fi connection, both through Command Line Interface (CLI) commands and using the Network Management API.
  • Practice through a hands-on exercise how to add support for provisioning a Wi-Fi device via Bluetooth LE.
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