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Lesson 4 – MQTT over Wi-Fi


MQTT is a widely-used application layer protocol, based on TCP, which provides an efficient and reliable way to share messages between a network of clients and a central broker. In this lesson, we will examine how MQTT operates, explaining how data is managed through topics and how subscribers and publishers can interact with these topics, in addition to examining the role of TLS in MQTT.

We will also learn how to create, initialize, and configure an MQTT client. Furthermore, we will learn how to configure that client to subscribe and publish to specific topics managed by a broker.


  • Understand the basics of the MQTT protocol and how it works.
  • Learn how to use the MQTT library in nRF Connect SDK.
  • Practice through hands-on exercises how to utilize MQTT in an application to establish a bidirectional communication channel with another MQTT client.
  • Practice how to use TLS to create a secure connection between your device and the other end.
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